Thursday, May 17, 2012


That's the sound I heard last night as we hit the virtual "been in the car too long" wall. Picture this....we were seriously low on gas with the light on and the needle on the wrong side of E, we were in a shady neighborhood, we were experiencing the first wrong directions issue of the trip, we probably had to go to the bathroom, we were hungry and someone who shall remain namelesss was having the same feeling I'd had driving two nights before ... a small case of the "JUST GET ME THERE"'s!

We'd used up all the $4.77/GAL gas we got in Williams, AZ, which by the way - thanks to Williams - is the HIGHEST we have paid anywhere! Talk about a tourist trap! We had barely gotten there on fumes and had no choice about putting something in the tank because we had a 4 hour drive ahead of us. As hybrid owners, neither of us have ever paid that much for a tank of gas ... even if you put our cars together. It was traumatizing.

The hotel we're in now...HIX Hesperia, CA...didn't pull up in the GPS when I first put it in my phone, then it did and I picked a location...turns out that was NOT the location of the hotel, but a street that at some point stops being paved! What the... That part was my fault because I'd meant to go back and check the address again before we got to this part of the trip, but it just didn't happen. To R's credit, he did mention that its not like I didn't have 15,000 other things I was trying to remember, plan, fix, set up, etc. in the process.

Bathroom after a 3 hour car obvious.

Hunger after a 3 hour car ride...yep, you said it...obvious.

Tiny hissy be expected.

We persevered however and found gas for $3.39 a gallon, then ate at a restaurant called "Bakers: Close to Home" which was right in front of the hotel. We were only able to eat in relative calm because the hotel was so they might as well have shared a parking lot.

I'm glad we made it and now...can't wait to get on the way to Yosemite! I want to see the Sequoias!!! We think they will be on the drive in, but we really aren't sure. We have a lot of time to get this 6.5 hours done and we'll probably leave early if yesterday is any indication, so this begins the liesurely - at least somewhat leisurely - part of the trip. Yeah! We have survived...

What day is it? PHEW!

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“Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”— Gustave Flaubert