Saturday, June 14, 2014


The cafe has been around since 1951! Over 60 years of, can you imagine how many they've made?  

I had originally found the cafe on a FoodNetwork app but forgot all about it until we saw the rack of flyers in the hotel lobby. Our hotel is on 1st Street right near downtown and it was only about a 20 minute ride out to the cafe so we went for it. There are little shops and things in the old hotel rooms and it's quaint. Worth a look see...

However, if you decide you want to eat there, my advice is put your name on the waiting list right away! The wait on Saturday afternoon was going to be 1 hour and 20 minutes and we had already seen everything on the grounds. The cheat is, you can order to go like we did, get your food in 20 minutes and pop a squat under a shade tree at a picnic table, they are all around! Awesome sauce!

Biscuits were very tasty! Not flaky but fluffy, not large, only about the size of a three year olds palm, but they don't mind giving you several so that's OK. They also provide several jams that are homemade and flavorful. 

I can't speak on the ham...I don't do it anymore. They do have several bacon laced treats in the gift shop. I bought some for the folks in the office, so I will have to let you know the verdict on that later!

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“Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”— Gustave Flaubert